Unlike summer, when I run indoors for air conditioning, the fall seems more welcoming to me; the landscape more open. I take long prayer walks and breathe deeply the world in transition. I bake cookies and bread. I cook large pots of soup from leftovers. I light fires in my fireplace.
At the same time, I am reminded of those who find the approaching winter isolating and lonely. I cannot fully enjoy my blessings without blessing others.
How do you invite this wondrous and changing world into your everyday experience? How do you celebrate the different seasons? Dorothy Bass, author of Receiving the Day asserts that "time itself is made holy by the presence of God." When we view time as a gift, and not a burden, we can become more open to live life more fully. But it's more than that: Sharing our time means that we are willing to share our lives, and shouldn't we? The Resurrection of spring; the excitement of Christmas; the harvests of the fall--all are meant to be shared, meant to be holy, meant to bless others.
Each day brings its own grace. Each season brings its own celebrations. May we fully enter this season, join the celebration, and find joy at every rising of the sun.